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Though I have worked in many mediums, I have chosen to work primarily on paper; painting and drawing.  My choice of medium is gouache.  I am a hard edge painter.    

I have been seriously working with grids since the early nineties.  When I lived in Houston I worked with grids made up of squares.  I thought of the grid as a metaphor for the urban experience.  My studio was downtown, the sounds that came into my studio were sounds of trucks, buses and cars; the sounds from the freeway.  The work was based on the observation of the 'light' in the city, reflected off of man-made materials.

 Upon moving to Taos, New Mexico, it was the addition of the random diagonal line, which creates compositions of squares, triangles, and some unexpected shapes.  It is the diagonal line which allows me to think of the landscape of New Mexico; rivers, mountains, and sky.  It is not that I expect the viewer to see what I see, but it is to explain where my inspiration comes from.   



Annell Livingston Fragments Geometry Change from Kathleen Brennan on Vimeo.

 The art of today is more deeply personal, more intimate, and more concerned with experiences of a subtle kind.  Annell Livingston